How To Get More Traffic To Your Blog In A Few Easy Steps

Hello, my friend and a very warm welcome back. Driving traffic to our blogs can seem like a very difficult process in the beginning but there are ways that it can be achieved easily.

In this post, I’m going to show you How To Get More Traffic To Your Blog In A Few Easy Steps.

Do you see blogs on Pinterest that have been shared 5,000 times in a short period of time and wonder just how they did it?

I was like that in the beginning as well!

We all want eyeballs on our posts otherwise what is the point in writing? Not getting traffic is a big factor in people quitting so it’s crucial to learn the process.

There are many ways you can get new and returning readers to your website, and guess what? It doesn’t have to cost you any money at all!

Even as a new blogger, I’m sure you know that traffic can come to you for free Don’t You?

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Let’s dive in and cover how we are going to get more traffic to our blogs:

How Do I Get Free Traffic To My Blog?

Free traffic is known as organic and it usually comes from search engines like Yahoo, Bing, DuckDuckGo and Google. It can also come from social media sites.

Sharing your posts on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and Linked In will bring you some free organic traffic.

The traffic from social media will also depend on how many followers you have as well as being consistent with your scheduling.

Search engines tend to take a fair while to trust your content and you could be looking at zero visitors for a couple of months.

Don’t let that put you off because this is the most responsive traffic that will come your way!

Starting to build an email list from day one is another great example of sending more traffic to your posts.  

If you haven’t started your blog yet now is as good a time as any.

6 Ways To Get Traffic To Your Blog

Are you ready to learn the 6 best ways to get traffic to your blog?

 Write Awesome Content

We really need to produce awesome content that answers questions and contains a ton of value!

If you want free traffic from the search you must produce content that contains a minimum of 1,400 to 2,000 words. 

In the old days, you could get away with 500-1,000 words and as much fluff as you felt like writing. However, that is no longer a sustainable option for the long term blogger.

Your goal is to be the go-to person in your niche for thorough up to date information. By doing that they will not need to go elsewhere and will be most likely to come back to you for more.

Using keyword-rich headings, internal and external links, and lots of beautiful images will have you standing out from the crowd.

Placing thought and research into every post and making it the very best that it can be should be a top priority before publishing.

Make Use Of Pinterest

Pinning Pinterest pins is not everyone’s idea of fun and I was one of those until I was converted.

Not being a social media platform makes it a brilliant place for free traffic.

Pinterest’s main aim is intended to promote websites, blogs and products in the form of “pins.”

Pinterest is my #1 source of traffic.

I personally use Tailwind to schedule my pins as well as the pin creator feature as it makes beautiful pins for you in only a few seconds.

You can trial Tailwind free for a month!

Writing engaging keyworded titles and using bright eye-catching images becomes easier the more you do it.

The catchy pins will get shared to others boards and when that happens you will get traffic and sales.


SEO Search Engine Optimization

It is no good having all of your eggs in one basket. We need to be getting traffic from different sources.

Many blogs can suffer when platforms change their algorithms as this doesn’t tend to happen all at the same time your blog will suffer less if traffic comes from other areas.

Making SEO a priority to learn will be a massive time saver in the long term longevity of your blog.

SEO is one of the most reliable traffic drivers when implemented correctly.

How To Implement SEO.

1. Research Long-tail keywords using the Jaxxy keyword research tool.

2. Look at your competition’s blog and write a longer more in-depth article using Keywords in the heading and through the body of your post.

3. Create awesome content around specific topics and keywords.

SEO is pretty simple to learn if you go to the right training platform. I learned very well using this resource and have many posts on page 1 position 1 of the search engines.

Pro Tip: You will not regret learning everything there is to know about SEO when Google is sending you thousands of visitors every day!

Stick To Your Niche

You cannot be all over the place with what you write about, if you do this your visitors will soon stop coming!

If your blog is about fly fishing that is what people will expect you to write about.

Some blogs can have different aspects but the subjects must be related in some way For Instance:

  • Parenting
  • Baby clothes
  • Toys
  • Nursery education

Any visitor will know what they are going to find when clicking through. Getting traffic is one thing keeping it is even more important!

Keeping your readers on your site for extended periods of time can be achieved by internally linking other relevant posts.

The longer a visitor stays on your site the better it will rank in the search which means more traffic.

social media

Making Use Of Social Media

The best way to make use of social media is to have sharing buttons on your blog pages.

Once my post is published the very next thing I do is share it.

First on Facebook to the fan page, second on Twitter, and thirdly on Pinterest and then I share some other related pins from the home feed.

With Facebook and Twitter, it is important to spend time engaging with others and sharing their content. Doing this will become a reciprocal agreement in no time.

A couple of other things to take into consideration:

  1. Use Hashtags.
  2. Check image sizes for each platform
  3. Don’t spam the sites with your content.

Be Consistent

This is probably the most important point of all!

Awesome valuable content is king and consistency is queen.

The more consistently you write, the more your readers will trust you.

I’m not suggesting that you need to write 7 days a week every week as that would not be sustainable over the long term.

But what I am suggesting is to have a consistent posting schedule, such as 2-3 new high-quality articles a week.

 An established posting schedule will keep you accountable and will also show your readers that you aren’t just another website that disappeared for weeks on end.

For Google and Pinterest to send you traffic the content has to be new. This will also increase your domain authority and that means more trust.

Bonus Tip

This can be a controversial tip, however, I stand behind it 100%. As soon as your blog is set up start to grow your email list.

This is very important and cannot be stressed enough!

When a reader signs up to receive emails from you, it’s because they trust you. You have offered them something of value, and they want more of it.

 These people are the ones who will buy from you when you sell a product, who will hire you when you offer relevant services, and who will click on your blog when you have new content available.

They are very valuable so catch them as quick as you can!

Thanks for supporting me to the end of this post I appreciate your time.

Have a question for me then please leave it in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as humanly possible.

Did you get value from this post? If you did then please share it to help others using the social media buttons provided. Thank you.

Follow me on Pinterest for more awesome blog posts!

Lisa. Founder and CEO of

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