Affiliate Escape Plan Review Can This Course Make Money

Hello, my friend and a very warm welcome back, Affiliate marketing is a brilliant way of making money online and I’m always looking for new training courses in this niche.

Today I’m going to take you through a course from a very successful affiliate marketer called Brian Brewer and it is called the Affiliate Escape Plan.

The marketing for this program is totally geared up to get you to join with statements like ” Break Free from Desperation” and “Create The Lifestyle That You Want”

But the question is will it live up to expectations and teach us to be an affiliate marketing pro or will it fall flat and not deliver?

That my friend is what I will be revealing to you!

One thing I do like is the price at $249 so that’s a great start.

Disclaimer: I am not associated or affiliated with Affiliate Escape Plan or any other offer from Brian Brewer. If you buy it I will not be compensated in any way.

This post may contain affiliate links. This means if you click a link and make a purchase I will receive a commission. The price you pay will not be affected.

Right, now it’s time to dive in:

Affiliate Escape Plan Review Logo

Affiliate Escape Plan Overview

Program Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Course

Program Name: Affiliate Escape Plan

Founder: Brian Brewer


Cost Of Purchase? One time fee of $249

Is It Recommended? Yes.

As a person who writes reviews a lot, it is good to write about a program that I recommend.

Normally they don’t deliver but in my opinion, this course does.

It is taught by a highly successful affiliate marketer who walks the walk and talks the talk.

The course teaches beginners how to get started with promoting other people’s products and services and that is exactly what affiliate marketing is.

Even though the course is a one-off fee there are going to be some additional costs involved the most notable 1 is using Click funnel’s which costs between $97-$297 A Month!

Training inside this course is really good otherwise I would not be recommending it.

A lot of courses say suitable for beginners and that is not true but here it is true.

Paying the monthly fee for Clickfunnels will put many off and that I do understand.

However, there are cost-effective alternatives around that can get you started and succeed online without investing in expensive sales funnel software tools.

My Number 1 Recommendation.

About Brian Brewer The Founder Of Affiliate Escape Plan

Brian Brewer doesn’t just have 1 Youtube channel, no he has at least 3.

The biggest one is named Madcam Publishing and has 77.1k subscribers.

To be honest he doesn’t publish videos very often the last one was 6 months ago.

Affiliate Escape Plan Brian Brewer Youtube

To be honest I’m surprised by his publishing schedule because he concentrates a lot of his time on making money with affiliate marketing.

He promotes the Legendary Marketer course From Dave Sharpe and he is a 2x platinum earner, which means that he has made over $200,000 promoting that platform as an affiliate marketer.

This just goes to show that he knows a thing or two when it comes to teaching you how to become an affiliate marketer with this course!

What Is The Affiliate Escape Plan?

This course is going to teach you all about affiliate marketing.

It includes identifying a niche market, an introduction to Clckfunnels, and Legendary Marketer which is another training course.

Affiliate marketing is in a nutshell the opportunity to promote other peoples products and services and this is what you will be taught how to do.

Brian’s course is full of quality and education.

He does recommend tools and software that helped him get to success online and he does get a commission if you buy any of them.

This is in fact a good business practice and he is extremely good at it!

The actual training is divided into 3 modules. Each one concentrates on different aspects of the affiliate marketing business model. 

The material provided can help beginners with getting started and understanding the core concepts of this business.

How Much Does The Affiliate Escape Plan Cost?

The sales page tells us in big letters that the affiliate Escape Plan Costs $249 which is a 1-time fee.

Affiliate Escape Plan Cost

You also need to be aware that this will not be all you need to pay out for.

The funnel you need is going to cost around $100 a month.

If you decide to join Legendary Marketer for more education and training you will be looking at anywhere from $7 for the 15-day challenge and up to $2,500 for some of the modules.

(Obviously, you don’t have to join Legendary Marketer at all)

What Do You Get For Your Money With Affiliate Escape Plan?

The Affiliate Escape Plan contains 3 main phases.

The training starts off by helping you to get the right mindset to ensure your success.

Most courses do this. It does take a different way of thinking to be able to cope with the hurdles ahead.

The journey to online success is worthwhile but it does come with ups and downs.

You should definitely be prepared for what’s about to come.

Not preparing often means people quit. 

Let’s dive into each module and look at the content provided inside the Affiliate Escape Plan.

Module 1 The Introduction

There are 6 lessons in this module.

Firstly you will be introduced to what the affiliate marketing business is, how it works, and what to expect inside Brian Brewer’s course.

He is a big believer in promoting high ticket programs, so he shows you how to connect with expensive programs and services that can earn four figures per sale.

He does make sure the offers provide value. It is not all about the money

Module 2 Traffic & Funnels

There are 4 lessons in this module covering, the generation of traffic and how to send them to your affiliate offers.

The generation of traffic is mainly achieved through Youtube, Facebook groups, and TikTok. 

You will also be taught how to use sales funnels to your offers and siphon the traffic you get from the social media platforms to convert them into buyers.

The main goal here is to leverage the fame of Legendary Marketer and Clickfunnels for your traffic generation and conversion efforts.

Module 3 The Action Plan

There are 4 lessons in this module that cover the methods and tactics needed for increasing your conversion rates.

You will be taught how to place everything covered so far into a well-designed action plan for getting traffic and making sales with your affiliate promotions.

This is the point where Brian Brewer recommends becoming part of Legendary Marketer’s 15-day challenge as it will help to implement the plan. 

The 15-day challenge costs $7.

The Pros Of Affiliate Escape Plan

  • The trainer in this program is Brian Brewer and he is a successful affiliate marketer who knows how this business works and he is a real person who can be found online in various ways.
  • The affiliate module being taught is legit and the course provides a lot of value whether you are a beginner or have a little or even a lot of experience. You will learn from this course.
  • $247 is a good price for what you will learn.

The Cons Of Affiliate Escape Plan

  • The course mainly focuses on high ticket offers and some people will say that is good and others will say it is not so good. (if you can be an affiliate without having to buy it then that can be good, but most times you have to buy it yourself first).
  • If being on a camera and recording yourself scares you then most of this course will not be of any benefit to you as that is what is taught.
  • The fee for the course is good. But that is not the end, if you want to implement the strategies you are going to be looking in the region of spending at least another $100 a month.

Is Affiliate Espace Plan A Scam?

No. the Affiliate Escape Plan is not a scam.

Brian Brewer is a legitimate super affiliate who is more than qualified to teach you affiliate marketing.

Just so you know I use the affiliate marketing model myself and that is how I make a full-time income.

I just didn’t learn about it through this course.

If you think you can make money overnight then you will be very disappointed as it does actually take you to put work into it, it is not a scam that promises much and doesn’t deliver.

Do I Recommend This To My Readers? Yes and No.

Yes, if you want to learn how to sell high ticket offers namely Legendary Marketer which is also a very good training program using Youtube and TickTock as well as paying out for an expensive funnel builder.

No, if that is not the way you wish to learn and implement affiliate marketing as it is definitely not the only way!

Is There A Better Alternative?

There are better ways to get started as a beginner with affiliate marketing. 

I’m a huge advocate of the affiliate marketing business model and FREE traffic generation methods through the search engines of Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

If you are looking for a cost-effective way that can teach you how to do that, I will share with you the system I used to create a profitable affiliate marketing business online.

I’ve said that I too earn an income using a method similar to the Affiliate Escape Plan. I built this website, write reviews, and recommend products and services to my visitors.

And if you want to learn how to do the same job, my only recommendation for you is Wealthy Affiliate.

One of the reasons why I recommend WA is that they will give you all the tools, coaching, and comprehensive step-by-step training that is required.

you get access to all you need to build a successful affiliate marketing business in one place!

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